Jim Kelly (Screenplay and Co-Director)
I remember seeing The Empire Strikes Back over thirty times as a kid. They would just keep showing it twice a day on HBO: once in the morning and once at night. So I would catch the first 30 minutes of Empire before school began, day after day. At lunch, I'd meet up with Chris Brozna, my best friend, and we would do scenes: "Your tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!" I'd shout. "Then I'll see you in hell!" replied Chris as he rode out into the frozen wasteland of Hoth (in other words, the baseball field in the rear of our elementary school) in search of Luke, who was hanging by his feet in an ice cave. Chris looked like Han, I could imagine him as a distant relative of Harrison Ford. But that was the spark, back there in Hazlet, NJ, in 1987---I knew I wanted to make a movie one day. A couple years later, I got a Fischer Pixelvision Camera for my birthday. We made an Aliens spoof with my friend Eric in the backyard---I think I played Ellen Ripley. The Pixelvision camera recorded on audio cassettes, so we tried to edit using my cousin's tape deck, which had a counter. Shit, I wonder what happened to that tape?
Vitas Povilaitis (Producer, Co-Director, and Director of Photography)
"I used to think about infinity, but I had to stop."
Vitas studied Computer Science and Film at Rochester Institute of Technology. "I want to make a fictional story on video as I had done in college. I really want to work on the technical aspects of video production, and I have friends who want to act in it and write the script for it. This is a major project, and I've been putting it aside until I can truly commit to it." -- from "The Adventures of Vitas Povilaitis", December 1994
Joe Medeiros (Sound Design and Recording)
"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men." --Saint Francis of Assisi
Joe talks fast but thinks faster. He studied at U. Mass.-Amherst, B.U., and Regis University. His vocation is software engineering, but his avocation is SFX & sound engineering. His interests range from gaming to Japanese and sailing to Argentine tango.
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