Saturday, October 5, 2013

"The Knife Edge" Finished

I've finished the screenplay for "The Knife Edge" this week at 16.5 pages.  The last five pages are set on "The Knife Edge" on Mt Khitadin in Baxter State Park:

I have this image in my mind of a woman, alone at dawn, traversing the knife edge, with the first rays of the sun diffracting off the edge of the ridge and flaring the camera lens.  Incidentally, this phenomena is know as "The Knife Edge Effect", which can be described mathematically by the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD).  Yet all mathematics fail to describe this moment.  We must appeal to the passions as well as the intellect.  The woman, defying death, defying gravity, defying the diffracted light of the sun, embodies Camus' solution to the problem of the absurd: Revolt.